A journey into knowing your self worth.

Journey To Legacy

Whether your goal is to capture your life stories to share with loved ones, acknowledge lessons learned, or discover the deeper meaning of the life you have lived thus far, this personally guided program – customized based upon your goals – gives you what you need to write your unique and authentic personal story.


It offers a framework to help you uncover what’s important, write about the hard stuff, revel in the joy, and discover what makes you special. You’ll have support to help you stay motivated and on track. And it happens within an intimate community of 12 smart, compassionate women who love sharing and hearing each other’s stories.

What’s included in this 12-week online course?

A System & Framework

Through 12 live sessions, visualizations and handouts, you’ll be be taken on a journey into your past and into your soul where you’ll find inspiration and clarity on the stories you are meant to write.


Find belonging in a loving, compassionate & supportive community of 12 wise and self-aware women. We’ll laugh and cry together, share stories, inspire and affirm each other during our group meetings.


Creation of Your Legacy Journal

You’ll have private access to our easy-to-use online technology that helps you capture your stories, add photos and create a beautiful Legacy Journal to share with whomever you choose.

Technical Support

If you need a nudge with your writing, support to help you stay motivated, inspired, and accountable, or assistance with any of the technical aspects of writing, our certified copy editor is here for you.

3 Private Sessions With Joanna

Sometimes we need another perspective as we revisit our life journey and uncover what’s meaningful in our stories. You’ll receive three 45-minute calls for private coaching plus a bonus “success planning” strategy call at the start of the program.

Ongoing Support

We’ve got your back and we’re holding you high.  You’ll quickly discover you are not alone. Support, encouragement, brainstorming and inspiration is available on an ongoing basis via email and texting.  You will feel supported at every step.

You’ll receive personal attention every step of the way.

Susan, who is retired, shares about her experience in From Journey To Legacy.

To read what others have to say, CLICK HERE

“This program is fantastic! Joanna is an amazing mentor & coach.  I have lived an amazing life and my story is going to be handed down to future generations.”

Lisa, Age 61

“The more I write, the more I fall in love with myself. My experience helped me accept that I am human with flaws and greatness.”

Sharon, age 83

Write Your Life Story with Me.

For pricing details and to determine if this is the right program for your goals, let’s schedule a time to chat.