Embark on a Life-Changing Journey of Self Discovery

A Virtual Life Review Course for Midlife Women

Next Cohort Starts Fall 2024


Are you ready to explore your life story and create a roadmap for the next chapter of your journey?

You’ve spent the last few decades building a career, taking care of your family, serving your community – doing your best as you juggle it all.  In many ways, you’ve been operating on “auto-pilot” toward a vision you created years ago for your life.

And now you’re at a crossroads. Perhaps you’re thinking about changing your career or retiring, or you’ve become an empty nester, or your relationship status has changed, or maybe you have a gnawing feeling that something deep within you wants to be expressed.

The questions bubble up: “Who am I?”  “What do I want?” “What’s the right next step for me?”

Life Review will help you figure it out. 

To move forward with clarity and confidence, it helps to PAUSE and look at where you’ve been—the stories that make you who you are. The stories you tell yourself about yourself. The stories that hold you back or weigh you down.  Life Review will help you tap into the wisdom of your stories and experience how they have the power to inspire, heal, make peace with the past, and step into your next chapter with greater self-awareness, intention and clarity.

woman at crossroads of life

Uncover your truest self as you navigate your 50s, 60s & 70s.

In this immersive program, you will:


  • Dive deep into your life experiences and stories through the powerful lens of the hero’s journey framework

  • Gain new perspectives on your challenges, triumphs, and turning points, and discover the wisdom and strengths you’ve gained along the way

  • Develop practical tools for self-reflection, emotional regulation, and navigating life’s transitions with grace and resilience

  • Cultivate greater self-awareness, self-compassion, and clarity of purpose as you align your goals and choices with your deepest values

  • Experience the transformative power of vulnerability, authenticity, and connection as you share your journey with a supportive community of fellow travelers

The path is your own but we’re on this journey together

I’m Joanna Klein, your guide through the life review process. 

I understand the challenges many of us face as we age. I, too, have felt that gnawing feeling that there is something more possible and found that life review is the path to the clarity and inspiration that we deserve in our third act. Leveraging my 40 years of experience creating programs that bring about positive change and as a teacher, counselor and intuitive coach, I designed this program to guide you through life review so you can shift from uncertainty or overwhelm to inspired action. 

As the teacher and facilitator of the course, my secret sauce is intuitively guiding people through a unique process of reframing their life stories in an intimate setting so they can see and honor themselves for who they are and the experiences that shaped their lives. 

If your life isn’t where you hoped it would be, if you’re still growing, if you aren’t done yet,  if there’s longing in your heart, if you want to make peace with the past, if you want more meaning in your life, if you’re ready to give yourself permission to be who you are meant to be… I am honored to be your guide on this journey. 

“As you get older, you realize the importance of being intentional. That’s why doing a life review is important — understanding what things have meant in your life. That’s how you become wise.”

Jane Fonda


This course has definitely given me the courage to move forward, begin to make new habits and change old ones, reflect on my past, find more gratitude towards family members, mentors and more!

Lesli Berggren, Your Life in Review Alumni

What You’ll Experience…

Through a blend of engaging lessons, guided exercises, and intimate group discussions, you’ll have the opportunity to:

group of life review writers
  • Explore your family dynamics, childhood experiences, and key relationships to gain insights into your patterns, beliefs, and unique journey

  • Identify and reframe limiting stories, embrace your authentic emotions, and develop a more compassionate and empowering self-narrative

  • Discover your signature strengths, archetypal patterns, and soul-aligned aspirations as you clarify your vision for the next stage of your life

  • Deepen your self-trust and intuition as you navigate the “inner cave” of uncertainty, loss, and transformation

  • Celebrate your resilience and growth as you integrate the lessons of your hero’s journey and step into your full potential

What’s Included in “Your Life in Review?”


Twelve Weeks of Live, Virtual Teaching Sessions

During these live, 90-minute guided sessions, we’ll travel back in time through the highs and the lows, staying alert to what’s significant and meaningful.

Journaling Exercises During Each Session to Facilitate Reflection

Each live session offers slide presentations, writing exercises & visualizations to help you recall and explore the memories and moments that shaped your life.

Journaling and Experiential Assignments Between Weekly Sessions

After each session, you’ll receive a weekly exploration that is based upon that week’s theme and includes journaling exercises and activities to help you take a deeper dive into the material. This can usually be completed in 1 hour.

Safe, Secure & Private Access to Our Proprietary Writing Platform

Want to capture life stories that get inspired by this process?  With your login credentials, you’ll have a private place to write and safely keep the stories that come to mind.  You’ll have access to this online life story-writing software for one full year.

Spiral Bound Workbook

You’ll receive a workbook that includes course content, templates and worksheets to be used during class and along with the weekly assignments.

A Seven Step Framework for Life Review

You’ll learn a life review framework that helps you honor yourself, free you from stories that hold you hostage, transform regrets into self-compassion, highlight your gifts, and reignite a sense of purpose

Coaching and Q&A During Weekly Sessions

During our weekly calls, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and receive coaching

A Curated Collection of Recommended Reading & Tools to Enhance Your Experience

I’ll share some wonderful resources that will support and enhance your experience.

Weekly Emails to Help Keep You Focused and Committed

You’ll receive weekly emails that cheer you on, offer inspiration, and remind you that you’ve got this!

Technical Support via Email

We’re here for you if you encounter a technical issue – simply email us and we respond within 24 hours

Community & Connection

You’ll be invited into a moderated private, supportive community of fellow journeyers where you can share insights, ask questions and celebrate your progress.


So well done! It was well organized and presented. As each week went by, we got deeper into our reflections which allowed us to see things from different perspectives and develop more self-awareness and intentions that are in line with our future vision.

Susan Middleton, Your Life in Review Alumni

Your Life Review Plan

3 Simple Steps to Begin Your Journey


Register Now

Take a PAUSE and say YES to a deep journey into the moments that make up who you are.

The course starts in April 2024 and spaces are limited.


Gain Perspective

In 12 weeks, we will go through the life review framework, uncovering clues, surfacing and reframing your life stories, and gaining perspective about who you are and what matters most.


Live Inspired

Inspired by the greater sense of control over your own narrative, embrace your third act with clarity, courage and confidence.

This is for you if you…

group of life review writers

Join me on this journey. I’d be honored to be your guide.

  • You’re seeking new meaning and want to remember your dreams and make new ones
  • You want more courage to explore your creative potential
  • You want to find your unique contribution and feel purposeful
  • You crave passion, adventure, and fulfillment
  • You’re ready to fully step into self-acceptance and empowerment
  • You want to stop and reflect to catch your breath amidst life’s busyness
  • You want to feel truly seen for who you are
  • You flourish with structure, guidance and accountability
  • You’re a lifelong learner looking to uncover your best self

If you want to uncover what matters most, this course is for you.

Your Journey, Your Pace

We understand that life review is a deeply personal and emotional process. That’s why we’ve designed this course to meet you where you are and support you in tailoring your journey to your unique needs and goals. With a mix of core curriculum and optional deep-dive exercises, you’ll have the flexibility to explore the themes and stories that resonate most for you.

Throughout the course, you’ll have access to a private online community where you can connect with your fellow participants, share your insights and experiences, and receive compassionate feedback and guidance from your facilitator. You’ll also have one year access to the course materials, including session recordings, transcripts, and exercise templates, so you can revisit your journey whenever you need inspiration or support.

Ready to do this?

3 Options For Your Next Step

Option 1

30-Minute Exploratory Call



Determine if this course is a good fit for you in a free 30-minute consultation with Joanna.

Option 2

Your Life In Review Course



12-week live online course to transform your stories and empower you to feel clear, confident and fulfilled in your life

Option 3

Your Life in Review Course
+ Private Coaching


In conjunction with the life review course, receive 4 one-hour private coaching sessions with Joanna to more deeply challenge and shift your relationship to your stories within a safe and intimate container.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

How much time will this take?

Our weekly sessions last for 90 minutes each.  Following each session, you’ll be given an assignment (we call them explorations) that usually takes about one hour to complete. The explorations are based on the theme of each session and include a mixture of journaling prompts and activities. 

How is life review different from therapy?

While life review involves reflecting on your broader life journey, therapy uses clinical techniques to address specific mental health concerns that are negatively impacting your current well-being and functioning. Life review seeks to find empowerment, meaning and closure by re-examining the entirety of your life, whereas therapy aims to relieve current acute symptoms and issues.

What is the relationship between life review and life story writing?

Through the process of life review, you uncover the stories that have meaning; that have had the biggest impact on you and which are the source of wisdom and joy. You shine a light on your strengths and on those experiences in your life worth writing about. 

Part of how we gain new perspectives on the stories we tell ourselves is through writing, and there are writing assignments throughout the program. 

If you’ve ever journaled, you have experienced the insight that can come from intuitive writing.

Writing brings clarity. It’s healing. It’s a release. It gets it out of your head and onto the page.

As you write, you will likely find that your life has had much more substance to it and more impact than you realized. 

And through this process, if you want to write meaningful stories to pass something on, this is a great starting place.

What if I can’t make all the live sessions?

All of the sessions will be recorded an you’ll have access to the replays through your private portal on the membership site.

How much of my time will this take?

We will meet once a week for 12 weeks.  On sessions are live on Zoom. (We’ll take some weeks off during the holidays.).  You’ll have recommended writing and activity assignments and recommended reading, but the amount of time you want to devote to those activities is up to you.  This course is designed in a way that makes you look forward to your writing time without feeling overwhelmed or under pressure to produce.

What if I can’t remember much from my past?

That’s a common concern and we understand why. The course lessons, prompts and guided visualizations are delivered in a way that jogs your memory and helps you explore the past in a gentle, safe way.

How long will I have access to this course and writing platform?

You’ll have access for one year to our intuitive writing software. You can renew your subscription to our writing software on a monthly or annual basis for a nominal annual fee.

What if my past is too painful?

As a counselor and intuitive coach, I know how difficult it is to experience and recall painful memories. In this course, you’ll be gently guided to explore the difficult experiences that influenced who you are today. However, you do not have to go beyond what is comfortable or feels right for you. There are many exercises that help you make peace with some of the most challenging moments of your past and celebrate your strength and ability to rise above. You’ll also have a safe and compassionate community of other life reviewers to lean on throughout your journey.

What is your refund policy?

If you purchase this course and feel it is not right for you within 15 days of the opening class, you are protected with our money-back guarantee. Simply email us and we will process your refund.

What if I’m not ready but want to learn more about how this process works?

We recommend starting with our free downloadable guide so you get a feel of what’s involved and the process of life story writing. You can also schedule a call to ask any questions you have.

Writing down my stories has made me notice many of my life events were more impactful than I realized and that I was still carrying some shame, guilt, or regret about them. Writing down my stories has allowed me to shine the light and see those stories from a new perspective. It has freed up stagnant energy and lightened a load I didn’t even know I was carrying.

Holly Padove, Journey To Legacy Alumni

Why Wait?

Don’t Let Another Year Go By Wondering What Your Life Was All About

Woman in dress and sunhat, soaking in the sun, and beating the pandemic blues.

There is no better time to start your life review.

You’ve made it this far, and you owe it to yourself to honor what you’ve lived through and the impact you’ve made.

When is the last time you paused to consider the valuable lessons you’ve gained on your life journey?

Reflecting on your life and those moments that made you who you are today is not only profoundly enlightening and healing, but can help you feel more deeply connected to yourself, your purpose and the contributions and decisions you wish to make moving forward.

Your Life. Your Story. Your Legacy.

Ready to do this?

3 Options For Your Next Step

Option 1

30-Minute Exploratory Call



Determine if this course is a good fit for you in a free 30-minute consultation with Joanna.

Option 2

Your Life In Review Course



12-week live online course to transform your stories and empower you to feel clear, confident and fulfilled in your life

Option 3

Your Life in Review Course
+ Private Coaching


In conjunction with the life review course, receive 4 one-hour private coaching sessions with Joanna to more deeply challenge and shift your relationship to your stories within a safe and intimate container.