Uncovering What Matters: Using Life Reflection to Find Purpose & Meaning

Discover the framework that helps women 50+ rediscover their essence, uncover strengths, and chart new paths forward.

You could die tomorrow and know you’ve lived a good life. 

 At the same time, something feels incomplete, and unfinished. You thought by the time you reached this age it would be smooth sailing, but in spite of years of personal growth work, classes and workshops … you’re still longing for something. 

More often than not, the “something” is unclear.  You aren’t sure how to identify that gap and fill it.

 Life Review will help you figure it out. 

 To know where you’re going, you need to look at where you’ve been—the stories that make you who you are. The stories you tell yourself about yourself. Your stories hold the power to offer inspiration, to heal, to make peace with the past, and to uncover what is missing. 

Join Journey to Legacy’s CEO, Joanna Klein, to learn:

  • The essential elements of a life review and why you don’t want to wait until it’s too late to gain the best of the benefits from doing one

  • Three common mistakes to avoid once you decide to do a life review (they can stop you in your tracks)

  • The four-step process of life review that help you honor yourself, free you from stories that hold you hostage, transform regrets into self-compassion, highlight your gifts, and reignite a sense of purpose

  • How to uncover what your life wants to tell you

“As you get older, you realize the importance of being intentional. That’s why doing a life review is important — understanding what things have meant in your life. That’s how you become wise.”

Jane Fonda

Meet Your Presenter

At the age of 65, after doing her first life review, Joanna Klein realized her lifelong dream of becoming an entrepreneur. Now, at 70, she has successfully built and established Journey to Legacy, a groundbreaking digital writing program that helps individuals worldwide to embrace the invaluable wisdom they have acquired through their unique experiences.

Joanna supports those in midlife and beyond, helping them to craft their life stories and shape their legacies in an empowered and meaningful way. By revolutionizing the way people view and share their personal narratives, she has helped countless clients embark on a transformative journey that culminates in a newfound sense of purpose, self-acceptance, and excitement for the life chapters yet to be written.

logos of places Joanna Klein has presented

Joanna is a remarkably relevant speaker! Participants in the audience laughed and openly exchanged comments and jokes with her that- in turn- gave “permission” to the others in the audience to relax and openly engage with her.  This is a rare and hopefully appreciated talent! The tools of turning genealogy from cold statistics to human (shareable) facts is a treasure!.”

RootsTech Particpant

“Joanna’s concise and spellbinding lectures bring an approach to looking at your own life that opens your heart and mind to find clarity in your experiences – to find new understanding and perspective that you might otherwise not realize.”

Jeanne Kane, PhD.

“Joanna is a confident speaker and can explain complex, intangible subjects in simple terms to relate to an audience. She shows up as though she’s your supportive friend right from the start. Joanna is able to connect to people where they are so they can be open to stepping into different perspectives, even challenging ones. She’s the kind of woman other women want to know.”

Christina Smith

Life Coach,

Great presentation that gave actual skills and things I can do. Made it feel like I can write my story. Outstanding class!!

RootsTech Participant

Joanna is warm, personable and relates genuinely with her audience. She is gifted at sharing her own stories which invites others to open up and see themselves. Joanna is clear and concise in her delivery and creates a delightful experience..”

Page Rossiter

Life Coach

“The first time I heard Joanna Klein speak from the stage, I was blown away by her authenticity and ability to engage the audience with not only her personal story, but how stories themselves can be transformational.  She has great eye contact, warmth and humor.  We’ve all heard speakers who talk at the audience.  This certainly is not Joanna Klein’s style.  Joanna is not only entertaining, but she will inspire you to embrace your personal stories, so you understand yourself at a deeper level.”

Katana Abbott

Host, Smart Women Talk Radio,