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Turn Your Memories into Meaningful Stories

Watch this short video to see just how EASY it is to write your memorable life story

You want to write your stories, but something is getting in the way.

You’ve considered or even tried writing your life story. Maybe others have encouraged you to, but something always gets in the way. You don’t know where or how to start or you worry you’re not a good enough writer or:

  • You don’t know how to capture the essence of a lifetime in words

  • You wonder if you’ll recall the details of your memories accurately

  • You’re not sure you have anything interesting to share

  • You’re afraid you’ll open Pandora’s Box by revisiting the past

  • Without structure, support or guidance, you won’t follow through

  • You’re not sure how to find the time to write amidst other commitments and responsibilities.  

If you feel called to write about your life, we’ve got you covered.  Our customized life story writing platform was created to help you record, share and feel proud of your life experience. 

    Stop Struggling and Start Having Fun Writing Your Stories!

    Our writing platform is designed to motivate and inspire. Rather than staring at a blank page not knowing where to start, you will be supported with…

    • Intuitive writing software with prompts and deeper questions to help you explore the important moments and memories that shape who you are today. 

    • Encouragement and inspiration in your inbox

    • A private community of life story writers, for shared learning, affirmation and inspiration. 

    • The creation of your personal Legacy Journal in just 2 clicks.  You can share it via email, as an ebook, or have printed and bound. 

    If you’re ready to turn your memories into meaningful stories… 

    group of life review writers

    Your platform makes it easy for me to use small bits of time to make remarkable progress.

    Debbie M.


    “Once I started writing, I couldn’t stop. I wrote every spare moment I got. If I hadn’t had the prompts, I wouldn’t have stuck with it, and maybe that’s why I never started before. The program supports you in getting started and sustaining what you started.”

    Pat Grant

    Journey to Legacy Alumni


    “The organized format helped me organize my thoughts and release my procrastination.”

    Holly Padove


    “Journey to Legacy opened a door for me.  I found the writer in me. I loved exploring that part of myself, and putting the time into exploring the stories of my past.”

    Linda Brooks

    Journey to Legacy Alumni


    “I thought I was taking this program to leave writings, my stories, to my children and grandchildren. But as the process started, I realized it was more for me, that I was having a life review. I was so proud of all of the things I’d done, things I had forgotten and pushed away. It does matter. In reviewing my life, as I wrote these stories, I realized how important it was to put respect, honor and value on all of the things I’ve done in my life.”

    Denise Medved

    Journey to Legacy Alumni


    “What most exceeded my expectations were the focus, motivation and direction provided by your instructional session and the writing prompts.”

    Paula Cosillas

    Journey to Legacy Alumni

    Why You’ll Love Our Intuitive Writing Software Platform


    Safe, Secure & Private

    With your own login credentials, only you have access to your stories until you are ready to share

    Thought and Memory-Provoking Prompts

    We go way beyond generic and provide hundreds of thoughtful prompts to guide you to the memories and moments that shaped your life

    Introspective Questions that Take You Deeper

    Our prompts are just the beginning. We take you deeper into your experiences by asking questions that help you find the lessons, blessings and wisdom

    Write, Edit & Collect Your Stories with Ease

    Everything you need in one place that’s organized, easy on the eyes and simple to use for writing, editing and collecting your personal life stories

    Drag and Drop Story Organizer

    One of our customers’ favorite features is our story organizer that lets you easily arrange your stories in the order you want

    Automated Table of Contents

    With a simple click of your mouse, a Table of Contents is automatically created

    Creative Control

    From image placement, text wrapping, and font style and size, you have complete creative control

    Create Your Own Cover Designs

    Choose one of our designs or create your own cover design using a free, easy to use tool

    Video Tutorials for Quick Reference

    Short and easy to follow tutorials that walk you through how to use all of the features

    Technical Support via Email

    We’re here for you if you encounter a technical issue – simply email us and we respond within 24 hours

    Here’s what makes our platform better:

    • Designed specifically for life story writing
    • Accessible online from your desktop or laptop with internet connection
    • Easy to use even if you have very little tech experiences
      Intuitive design that makes it simple to navigate
    • Write, edit, organize, design and share all from one platform
    • Fully customizable from font and layout to photo placement and cover selection
    • Option to download your Legacy Journal as eBook or have it printed and bound
    • Ability to customize your ebooks for the different people in your life
    • Simple to share your stories via email right from our platform

    Hi, I’m Joanna

    Hi, I’m Joanna, and I’m glad you’re here

    I believe life story writing is the path to self-acceptance, fully embracing who we are and stepping into who we want to be as we move forward.

    I also believe we have an immense responsibility and a rewarding opportunity to make a difference in the world by sharing the lessons we’ve learned, the discoveries we’ve made and the wisdom we’ve gained from our unique life experiences. As holders of the stories from the generations that came before us, it’s up to us to ensure that they are remembered for generations to come.

    Through our stories, we make history come alive in a whole new way by sharing the experiences that shaped our lives and the historical and cultural context in which they took place. It is through Life Story writing that we inspire hope, foster resilience and impart wisdom that honors the life we’ve lived and the lives we’ll touch by leaving a legacy.

    Using my experience as a counselor, intuitive coach, international speaker and facilitator of multiple successful self-empowerment programs, I have created a life story writing platform that turns your life experiences into a unique life story you are proud of and eager to share with your loved ones.

    Your Life. Your Story. Your Legacy.

    You hold the power to make peace with the past and honor the moments that shaped who you are today. When you look back, you find richer meaning and a greater appreciation for your unique experiences that culminates in a deep sense of pride and renewed purpose that reinvigorates excitement for the years ahead.

    Is This Right for You?

    Now is the time to write and share your life story!

    Life story writing is the catalyst for recovering key moments in your life that deserve to be honored, celebrated and remembered. As such, writing about your life requires vulnerability, courage and a willingness to look back on your life with a fresh perspective.

    This intuitive writing software platform is perfect for you if:

    • You have been thinking about writing your personal stories but haven’t known how to start
    • Your kids have encouraged you to write your stories
    • You have unfinished stories on your computer on in journals.
    • From time to time, you try to write but end up staring at a blank screen or piece of paper.
    • You question whether your stories are that interesting
    • You have a laptop or a desktop computer you can use to write.

    If you’ve tried to write in the past but kept getting stuck in technical stuff or had trouble finding inspiration, our intuitive life story writing software is the perfect fit for you.

    Not sure this is right for you? Contact us with your questions.

    We Stand Behind Our Promise

    We know how difficult it can be to make decisions regarding where you spend your time and your money. We want you to feel safe and secure when you invest in our writing software platform.

    That’s why we offer a 15 day free trial so you can see how easy and fun it is to use before investing in our monthly or annual subscription plans.

    With a monthly or annual subscription plan, you also have access to video tutorials and additional technical support via email if needed.


    Everything you need to write and share your life stories.

    The Easiest Way to Write & Share Your Unique Life Story